Breede River Canoe Marathon Media Release  Breede1605

25 Aug 2016

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Written by: Nick Tatham

Rice brothers lining up Breede assault

Robertson – As some of South Africa’s premier paddling duos descend on Robertson for the 2016 Breede River Canoe Marathon from 3 to 4 September, the Rice brothers, Sean and Kenny, will ditch their much-loved surfskis for a double kayak before casting their eyes forward to a busy end of year schedule on the ocean.

Both known for their prowess on the seas, the elder brother, Sean, has been racing hard for a number of months with an eye on the World Surfski Series title and will arrive back in South Africa in the knick of time as the brothers line up their first river race together in a number of years.

“Sean is currently in Croatia enjoying the sun whilst we’re stuck in wet, cold Cape Town!” younger brother Kenny mentioned light-heartedly. “He’s going to be back on the Friday before Breede so we won’t be in a boat together before the start but I am looking forward to a good two days of racing with him.”

“It’s going to be the start of a big training block for us ahead of such a busy schedule going into next year, but Sean hasn’t been on a river in ages so we will just see how we go.”

Paddling in a K2 together is a fairly foreign concept for the brothers as they weigh up the best possible set up in the boat.

Kenny’s recent salvos in varying river craft may well give him the fast track to driving the boat, however he is not taking on the mantle too freely.

“We still deciding who is going to drive the boat but I think Sean will,” Kenny countered.

“He knows what it’s like to race up front with the big guys so I think his racing brain will be better leading the boat and I’ll give the power from the back,” he chuckled.

“I am really enjoying my river racing and did both the Drak Challenge and the Dusi earlier this year – even getting through the Drak in one piece in a K1!

“I’ve been paddling a bit with Stu MacLaren as well as with Mark Keeling, so I have been doing quite a bit in the K2.

“Hopefully we can mix it up with the big guys,” the Varsity College/Euro Steel star added.

The Breede doubles as the 2016 South African K3 River Marathon Championships but despite being made an offer to contest for a national championship, Rice opted to give it a miss after one forgetful experience in a K3 previously.

“Oom Giel (Van Deventer) has been asking me if I want to jump into the K3 with him but I paddled in a K3 on the St Francis lagoon once and I can safely say that I will not be getting into another one anytime soon!”

With a jam-packed final quarter of 2016 on the cards for the Rice brothers, the Breede has offered them an opportunity to test their river skills as well as put in a good, competitive block of training as their eyes glance towards a whirlwind, worldwide finish to the year.

The pair start their final quarter assault on the World Surfski Series with the Pete Marlin Surfski Race – the 2016 SA Surfski Championships – in East London, then jet off to Hong Kong for the Dragon Run, stop off for two races in Perth, another in New Zealand and then back home for the Cape Point Challenge in December.

“We don’t race without the intention of winning, so we are going to be racing as hard as we can.

“I can’t guarantee that we will be up there with the top guys though because it is a really strong field this year and the Breede is a tough race.

“Although it is quite different to paddling on the sea, rivers teach you about different water channels and they vary in depth so it’s a good strength exercise.

“It tests you mentally as well because if you fall off the back of a bunch, it tests your endurance and your determination to get back on to the bunch, which is a great challenge,” Rice explained.

The 2016 Breede River Canoe Marathon, which doubles as the 2016 South African K3 Marathon Championships, takes place from Robertson to Swellendam on 3 and 4 September. More information can be found at


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Despite completing many double surfski races together, the Rice brothers, Sean (front) and Kenny (back), will jump in a K2 and tackle the 2016 Breede River Canoe Marathon together on 3 and 4 September. John Ivins/
Gameplan Media
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